How to leave a review

Please email as at with the name of the service provider to leave a review.

You can use the “Leave a review” button, which is available under any service provider’s listing.

We know how important your feed back is! Your experiences can help assist others choose appropriate service providers.

Leaving a review doesn’t have to be complicated! There are three steps you can follow to easily leave a review.

State which service(s) you received from who and when.

#2: What did you like or dislike about the service? Was there anything you think could be improved?


Would you recommend this service to others? Would this service more suitable to specific people?



One star

Your experience included many negative components.


Two stars

Your experience had some negative components.


Three stars

Your experience had both positive and negative components.


Four stars

Your experience was satisfactory.


Five stars

Your experience was overwhelmingly positive.