Home Schooling in Australia

Home Schooling often Works Wonders for Aspie Kids

Aspergers Syndrome affects kids in many ways. For instance, some Aspie kids get bullied in school as they cannot mix with friends or socialize properly. Others find it difficult to comprehend the cognitive learning techniques that are taught to normal students in schools. Experts have wondered how to address such difficulties, especially for those who don’t have any intellectual disabilities.

Why Need Home Schooling?
Parents of Aspie kids and expert psychologists have suggested that home schooling can be one of the apt methods to impart education to the kids. They say that the kids must be allowed to develop as per their own learning capacity.

It has been found that many teachers are not aware of methods in dealing with Aspie kids. They often fail to understand why a child is not obeying rules or following the class curriculum. Unwittingly, they punish the kids as well. However, the result remains the same – the child remains disassociated with the class culture.

Home schooling offers the perfect surrounding that the Aspergers child needs.  Teachers can offer dedicated support to the kid and address even smaller issues that the child may face while learning. It is also easy for the teachers to provide visual cues, charts, and routines. Assessments can be done elaborately and the child can learn without disturbing the others in a group – such as that in a school classroom. Similar surroundings make it convenient for the kid to concentrate on class activities.

When Home Schooling is Required?
Melt downs are quite common among Autistic children as they cannot cope with the external stimuli – such as noise, busy movement of people, or colors. If the symptoms are neglected, the kids have panic attacks and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which can hurt the kid and demoralize him in the long run.

When the child is not able to learn with the other colleagues in school, home schooling can work wonders in imparting just the kind of education that he needs. Methodologies and timelines can be tweaked to suit the child’s need as well.

Methodologies in Home Education
Various adaptations are introduced and learning methodologies are implemented to ensure kids with Aspergers Syndrome can get educated just like any other normal kid. These include:

  • Seeking oral answers from students
  • Using taped books or electronic notebooks
  • Using hands-on activities to inculcate education
  • Using proactive interactions, such as one-to-one interactions. it can done through:
  1. Peer tutors
  2. Teaching assistants
  3. Parents involvement
  4. Cross-age tutors

…And, home education also addresses behavioral problems through proximity control therapy, behavior monitoring techniques, and structured teaching.

Home education allows a child with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) to be sociable, playful, interested and motivated, and emotionally stable. The child must also be able to recognize social cues, communicate well, and work with dexterity through unique learning system that is appropriate for the child. With reduced stress and distress, the child can learn more things happily through home education that would otherwise be difficult in a normal classroom education.

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