Autism Connects Us

Autism Connects is dedicated towards helping people with Autism create new relationships and share their experiences with others.

Get Connected

If you have or know anyone with Asperger's, then this is the site for you! Make like-minded friends on our community page, book one-on-one consultations with specialists online, or share tips about Asperger-friendly activities!

Stay Safe

Your public profile will stay anonymous if you choose to select so. This means you can decide whether other members should see your personal information, such as name or email address.

Australia Wide

Our page can connect people all across Australia, regardless of where you are situated.

Your Autism Community

In 10 years, we've become known as the Autism & Aspergers Community.

We understand your need to connect with like minded people. With safety checks implemented, you’ll always be safe on the road ahead.

How it Works

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